VOL. 0018 – FLORIDA, MONDAY, MAY 02, 2023
Juan F. Arjona Harry
President & CEO Strategee
Today we are all entering a new era driven by artificial intelligence; so we do not want it or so do not seek it, the technological change is so strong with this technology, that a multitude of processes will adjust to this new reality.
The unknown companies and secret entrepreneurships that were developing AI. are just beginning to appear. And whose launch to the market was accelerated thanks to the introduction on November 30, 2022 of the Open AI ChatGPT.
With an extensive range of functionalities – some of general character and others more specific – then we will see some applications that come with their implementation:
Translation from text to image and vice versa (for prototypes will be an excellent tool).
Translation between Languages: This is a function that is enhanced with smart syntax settings.
Generate software code in any language.
Enriching images and generating effects.
Verbal translation to text and vice versa.
Translate text to video and vice versa.
Rendering images in 3D.
Construction of games, videos and musical productions.
Creation of multilingual content.
Generation of metric codes.
And we could list very surely another lot of features that will surely be launched in this second quarter of the year 2023.
What really impacts everyday life are some of the following situations, all of which are made possible by artificial intelligence:
Identity and biometric processes for physical and digital access will be contactless.
Likewise, in the banking sector its application is already imminent for the prevention of fraud by means of simulation, closure of routes and attempted access routines.
The relationship with the computer will continue to change as personal assistants literally take the keyboard and radically change over 2000 years of written history.
We already live it with WhatsApp, seeing how voice notes grow over messages, based on their ease, effectiveness, immediateness and clarity.
We will absolutely consult all of our personal assistants, such as the faculty of building management, marketing and finance scenarios for any business operation, through which these same scenarios are built. The AI will be the one that builds the scenarios for the human; since there will always be something more to see that the human could not see, but the AI if it could see it, identify it, extract it, validate it as a fact and objectively put it within each scenario.
In general, many of the things that we do today “in writing”, will be done verbally for the simple convenience of the user or client. Recordings of interactions are used as evidence when it comes to legal matters or requiring deadlines for compliance.
Therefore, it is quite likely that we will have an artificial smart assistant in Excel, with whom we will interact by improving the formulas or quickly finding better options through verbal instructions.
Soon the car will become the first massive robot in the world whose indications can be digitized or verbalized and this will become an environment of extension of our home, able to perform other activities while the car moves us safely and its personal assistant will help us do the tasks of the children.
We can also improve PPT presentations, with special effects and specific architectures for each theme, with the only verbal instruction indicated to the PowerPoint smart assistant.
We will gradually become accustomed to multiple personal assistants constantly speaking to us, learning about our behavior and talking to us on a daily basis, assisting us in every task pending and doing it without our participation. E-commerce shopping carts will be able to talk in a sustained way with the customer who is clicking... and influence the sale. Or we can also see from now on the personal fashion assistant that guides a lady who by means of augmented reality evaluates how she looks with such or what garment and even a Fintech that pautes in that digital space created to facilitate the purchase.
The possibilities are almost endless in terms of everything that can be improved even further through generative language technology. At Strategee we contribute with our customers in the digital transformation and the needs that today can be solved with these tools.